

Thursday 15 May 2014

Microsite design discussion

Website pages & content:
- intro (sliding door animation)
- home (event statement: what the event is all about, maybe add photo of similar event?, social media links)
- about the band (a showroom for characters & producers with info and pictures, links to the band's social media & website)
- media (news feed, photos, videos)
- contest (app plugin, smartphone/gadget download buttons, instructions)
- tickets (a ticket sale page with: seat options & price, number of tickets selection, total and confirmation link to next page, after confirmation you get customer info form to fill out, and select payment method, maybe add the small visa, mastercard and paypal logos)
- merchandise (an online shop page with thumbnails of items, a shopping cart etc.. example: http://www.merchandiseonline.com/new/)

Reference of microsite's background

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